Harvard style引用与抄袭只有一线之隔,你是怎么搞定的?

有些同学不是很清楚参考文献部分的写作格式,在参考文献部分出现很多细节错误,导致拿不到理想的分数,严重者则会被盖上抄袭的头衔。一旦如此,问题就升级了,且不说论文拿不到pass,情节严重的话可能连毕业都困难。今天就为同学们分享一下Harvard style的写作技巧~一定要认真看,以后在写论文的过程中会用得上哦~


什么是 Harvard style?


Harvard引用体系,顾名思义是哈佛大学的论文参考文献标准,但是在英国和澳洲等国家运用得非常多。Harvard引用体系也叫“作者-日期法”(Author-date method)。根据这一体系,每一个引文,无论直接还是间接引用,都应分别在两处注明:

1.在文中引用处注明 (in-text citation)


Harvard style的in-text citation应该怎么用呢?



Fitzgerald’s use of “old sport” throughout the novel suggests that Gatsby considered Nick Carraway a close friend (2004).


Gatsby’s infatuation with Daisy is often revealed in the story, often in simple phrases such as, “… he turned toward her with a rush of emotion” (Fitzgerald, 2004).

❖如果有三位以上的作者,只给出第一位作者的姓,再用斜体写上et al.

Recent research (Green, et al., 1995) has found that the majority of …

3.Harvard style的reference应该怎么用呢?

❖情景一:当我们引用的是书籍时,需要在reference中注明作者的姓, 作者名的首字母大写, (出版年份).书名.出版地:出版商.

Baron, D. P., (2008). Business and the organization. Chester: Pearson.

❖情景二:当我们引用的是期刊时,需要注明作者姓,名的首字母大写.(出版或发行年份).论文题目.刊物名称. 总卷号(本期号).页码.

Boughton, J.M., (2002). The Bretton Woods proposal: a brief look. Political Science Quarterly, 42(6), p.564.

❖情景三:当我们引用的是网站时,需要注明作者姓,名首字母大写., (年份). 文章名.期刊名, [online] Available at: 网址. [获取日期].

Kipper, D., (2008). Japan’s new dawn. Popular Science and Technology, [online] Available at: <http://www.popsci.com/popsci37b144110vgn/html> [Accessed 22 June 2009].

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