新西兰留学生 Due只剩1天怎么快速完成作业?

新西兰留学生 Due只剩1天怎么快速完成作业?不是找代写论文就是自己完成,那么自己如何快速完成呢?今天小编为你一一道来~


先从最重要的Body开始:(3-4hour) 因为Introduction中需要对论文主体和结论进行论述,而论文主体和结论在写作的过程中很容易偏离最初的想法,如果不想回过头来还要改改改,就把Introduction的内容放在最后再写为好~ Body这部分的内容不管分成3段还是四段,内在的结构都差不多,都是 Strongest point(论点) Introduction(介绍) Examples(举例) Explanation(拓展) Conclusion that ties to thesis(总结和分析) Transition(过渡到下一段) 重要的是内在逻辑,写的时候不必过渡注重细节,先理清思路,按照大纲先补充关键词句。

不要停!!!修改可以放在最后~ 举个非常具体的例子,像下面那个论点: “Eli Whitney’s cotton gin made life harder on African American slaves.” “Eli Whitney的棉花机让非洲裔美国奴隶的生活变得更加艰难。” 就可以通过这样几个方向来进行论证: “The success of cotton made it harder for slaves to purchase their own freedom.” “棉花的成功使奴隶更难以购买自己的自由。” Ex:”Many northern slaves were in danger of being kidnapped and brought down south to work in the cotton fields.” “许多北方奴隶有被绑架的危险,并被带到南方去棉田工作。” Ex:”In 1790,before the cotton gin,slaves in America totaled about 700,000.In 1810,after the cotton gin had been adopted,slaves totaled about 1.2 million,a 70%increase.” “1790年,在棉花机之前,美国的奴隶总数约为70万。1810年,在采用轧棉机之后,奴隶总数约为120万,增加了70%。” 这三个方向,每个方向都可做一个段落的中心论点 正文第1段Body Paragraph 1:

1.Begin with a topic sentence——就是先写主题句,对应大纲中Strongest point 主题句应该准确客观,比如说: “The Great Gatsby’s three central themes are loneliness,the corruption of wealth,and the loss of great love,” “了不起的盖茨比的三个中心主题是孤独、财富和爱情。”

2.Extension sentence——拓展句对应原大纲中的Introduction,进一步拓展了主题句中的观点并引出论证: 例句: Somebody suggests/argues(author,year)…… Despite the focus on xxx,it appears that….,while……

3.Details-对应Examples与并对例子进行Explanation,举例说明一下,如果想混字数,还可以把之前别人的研究和差异拿来鞭尸一下~ 例句: This distinction is further exemplified in studies using… An example of this is the study carried out by Smith(2004)in which…

4.Closing sentence-对这一段做一个总结,并尝试下Transition: 例句: considers the implications of… critically examines the view that… proposes a new methodology for… examines the relationship between…

正文第2段Body Paragraph 2:   

1.Transition——应总结上一段的主要观点,并引入的新观点。可能的过渡结构包括: 例句: Not only…but also… Besides…,also… In addition 2.其余部分采用与第1段相同的结构。

正文第3段Body Paragraph 3: 最重要的东西往往放在最后,这一段你要谈谈最重要的支持细节/理由,方便文章以“bang”的一下结束。当然段落的开头我们仍需要过渡: 例句: Above all else… Most significantly… 2.其余部分采用与第1段相同的结构。 接着写好结论:(40min) 结论Conclusion Paragraph 这部分内容就相对简单啦,不需要添加新的观点和内容,就是把论文body部分的内容再进行复述下,堪称最方便按照模板直接做选词填空的部分啦~当然直接复制粘贴是不行滴

1.重述/总结之前每个段落的主要观点和支持论证 例句: The present study was designed to determine the effect of… The second aim of this study was to investigate the effects of…

2.对自己的不足,局限做个说明,以显得严谨: 例句: In spite of its limitations,the study certainly adds to our understanding of the… Notwithstanding the relatively limited sample,this work offers valuable insights into…

3.总结自己的观点,然后展望未来结束Essay: 例句: The findings of this study have a number of practical implications. There are a number of important changes which need to be made.

最后轮到开头的Introduction:(20min) 介绍Introduction Paragraph

1.Hook——从吸引读者开始。讲一个吸引读者的详细背景介绍啦或者直接开门见山都是不错的办法: 例句: Recently,researchers have shown an increased interest in… Over the past century,there has been a dramatic increase in… Recent trends in X have led to a proliferation of studies that…

2.Thesis——从背景介绍引到你的论文,你可以这么做: 先谈谈这个课题有多么重要(X is of interest because…), 或者说说为啥选这个课题,可能的原因包括: 之前别人的研究不足(Previous studies of X have not dealt with…) 这是一个急需待解答的问题(There is increasing concern that some Xs are being disadvantaged…)等等 接着你就可以谈谈你的 研究目的(This thesis intends to determine the extent to which…and whether…) 研究方法(The research data in this thesis is drawn from four main sources:…) 主要观点(The main issues addressed in this paper are:a),b)and c).) 这样完成开头过渡是不是很简单?推荐阅读: Essay开头段Introduction怎么写? Essay万能开头和结尾公式

3.Transition——这个时候应该承上启下,我们要为引出正文做准备了,最简单的一种方式是对全文做一个概括(再次混字数): This paper first gives a brief overview of the recent history of X.The third chapter is concerned with the methodology used for this study.The fourth section presents the findings of the research,focusing on the three key themes that… 看,一篇Essay就分成了好几个小点,一两句话写起来不难吧?

读出来检查:(1hour) 耳朵能帮你察觉到眼睛忽略掉的地方,初稿越是惨不忍睹,就越要读出来改的痛彻心扉,无论是补充关键点,修改单词语法,改变框架顺序,这些读读就知道啦~ reference不要有问题:(40min) 多少人啊,多少人就是reference出了问题被判“抄袭”!学术不端会有多惨相信听说过的都有想象。请务必按照作业上要求的引用格式,仔!细!检!查! 润色3件套先上齐了:(0~2hour) 不管怎么样,传说中的五件套(易改,Ginger,WhiteSmoke,Grammerly,StyleWriter)一个都别少!!! 至于那以后,如果没有精力改,可以交给专业人士(比如说我们),会让你更加轻松~

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